/A selection of theatre pieces where Milena has worked as a maker.

TM1 - Director, Writer and Sound Designer

An audio-visual piece focusing on how social media affects our self-image and our ego.

Video link (password: goldsmiths) : https://vimeopro.com/user29558514/tm1-2017/video/221863487

TM1 - Set Designer and Dresser

An audio-visual piece focusing on memory loss, old age, and dementia.

Video link (password: goldsmiths) : https://vimeopro.com/user29558514/tm1-2017/video/221865297

TM2 - Director and Writer

A dystopian audio-visual piece focusing on forced happiness in today’s face-paced society.

Video link (password: goldsmiths) : https://vimeopro.com/user29558514/tm2-2018/video/263163792